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611 lines
; Script for installing KCommodity v2.5
; $VER: Install-KCommodity 1.2 (14.06.93)
(complete 0)
(set @default-dest "")
(set IconType (askbool (prompt "Do you prefer the 8-Color Icons ???\n"
"Your colors should be set to the following :\n"
"Color 0-3 : Normal C= WB Colors\n"
"Color 4 : Dark gray \n"
"Color 5 : Green \n"
"Color 6 : Red \n"
"Color 7 : Yellow \n\n"
"Thanks to Michael 'mick' Hohmann for the icons"
(help "The 8-Color Icons are for users running a WB\n"
"with more than 4 colors.")
(choices "8-Color"
(if (= 1 IconType)
(working "The icons are being unpacked to ram:")
(run ("c/LhA x 8Icons/8Icons.lha ram:"))
(working "The main program is being unpacked to ram:")
(run ("c/LhA x WBStartUp/KCXMain.lha ram:"))
(set KCXMain (askdir (prompt "Specify the directory to place the main program")
(default "SYS:WBStartUp")
(help "KCommodity`s main program should be located "
"within SYS:WBStartUp in order to be launched on every "
"BootUp. If you do not like this location, "
"select a different."
(copyfiles (source "ram:WBStartUp/KCommodity") (dest KCXMain) (infos) (files))
(if (= 1 IconType)
(copyfiles (source "ram:8Icons/WBStartUp/KCommodity.info") (dest KCXMain) (files))
(set KCXMainPrg (tackon KCXMain "KCommodity"))
(foreach "ram:WBStartUp" "#?" (delete (tackon "ram:WBStartUp" @each-name)))
(delete "ram:WBStartUp")
(complete 10)
(working "The prefs editor is being unpacked to ram:")
(run ("c/LhA x Prefs/KCXPrefs.lha ram:"))
(set KCXPrefs (askdir (prompt "Specify the path for the Preferences editor. "
"Do not use the same path as for the main program!")
(default "SYS:Prefs")
(help "This is the preferences editor for KCommodity. "
"it should be installed to SYS:Prefs, so that "
"KCommodity will find it easily. If you want "
"to install that program to a different "
"location, you will have to change the searchpath "
"within the main program`s icon. Refer to the "
"manual in order to see how this is done.\n "
"After installation the ToolTypes will be "
"set to your destinations."
(copyfiles (source "ram:Prefs/KCommodity") (dest KCXPrefs) (infos) (files))
(if (= 1 IconType)
(copyfiles (source "ram:8Icons/Prefs/KCommodity.info") (dest KCXPrefs) (files))
(set KCXPrefsPrg (tackon KCXPrefs "KCommodity"))
(foreach "ram:Prefs" "#?" (delete (tackon "ram:Prefs" @each-name)))
(delete "ram:Prefs")
(complete 20)
(working "The printer module is being unpacked to ram:")
(run ("c/LhA x Utilities/KCXDump.lha ram:"))
(set KCXPrinter (askdir (prompt "Specify the path for the Printer module")
(default "SYS:Utilities")
(help "This is KCommodity`s printer module. Use it "
"to dump screens/windows to a printer or "
"an IFF-ILBM file. Per default KCommodity will search"
"within SYS:Utilites for that module. If you "
"prefer a different location, you will have "
"to change a ToolType within the main program`s "
"list of ToolTypes. Refer to the manual for "
"more information about this.\n "
"After installation the ToolTypes will be "
"set to your destinations."
(copyfiles (source "ram:Utilities/KCXPrinter") (dest KCXPrinter) (infos) (files))
(if (= 1 IconType)
(copyfiles (source "ram:8Icons/Utilities/KCXPrinter.info") (dest KCXPrinter) (files))
(set KCXPrintPrg (tackon KCXPrinter "KCXPrinter"))
(foreach "ram:Utilities" "#?" (delete (tackon "ram:Utilities" @each-name)))
(delete "ram:Utilities")
(if (= 1 IconType)
(foreach "ram:8Icons/Prefs" "#?" (delete (tackon "ram:8Icons/Prefs" @each-name)))
(delete "ram:8Icons/Prefs")
(foreach "ram:8Icons/WBStartUp" "#?" (delete (tackon "ram:8Icons/WBStartUp" @each-name)))
(delete "ram:8Icons/WBStartUp")
(foreach "ram:8Icons/Utilities" "#?" (delete (tackon "ram:8Icons/Utilities" @each-name)))
(delete "ram:8Icons/Utilities")
(delete "ram:8Icons")
(complete 30)
(working "The libraries are being unpacked to ram:")
(run ("c/LhA x libs/Libs.lha ram:"))
(message "The kcx.library will be copied to your LIBS: directory now.")
(copylib (prompt "Copying kcx.library") (help @copylib-help ) (source "ram:libs/kcx.library") (dest "LIBS:") (confirm))
(complete 40)
(message "If you are not running Workbench 2.1 and up, you will need "
"reqtools.library v38 and up. I will check, whether you already "
"use a version suited. If not, the library will be copied to LIBS:.\n"
"ReqTools is Copyright (C) Nico Francois")
(copylib (prompt "Copying reqtools.library") (help @copylib-help) (source "ram:libs/reqtools.library") (dest "LIBS:") (confirm))
(complete 60)
(foreach "ram:Libs" "#?" (delete (tackon "ram:Libs" @each-name)))
(delete "ram:Libs")
(set GotOld (askbool (prompt "Do you already have a v2.0 Preferences file ? "
"If so, please locate the file, so that I "
"can convert it to the new format")
(help "If you were using KCommodity v2.0 then you may now "
"specify your old prefs file, in order to "
"convert it to the new format. This does not work "
"with preferences older than these of v2.0 !")
(choices "Yes, I do have v2.0"
"No, install default v2.5")
(if (= 1 GotOld)
(set MyPrefs (askfile (prompt "Please locate your old v2.0 prefs file")
(default "ENVARC:KCX.PREFS")
(help @askfile-help)
(working "Now converting old preferences file")
(run ("PrefsConvert/PrefsConvert %s") MyPrefs)
; else
(set MyPrefs (askdir (prompt "Where should I place the default Preferences file ?")
(default "ENVARC:")
(help "Simple. This is the preferences containing all of "
"the builtin settings. This is just an example."
"You may copy it to the defaut path, but if you "
"don`t, you will have to set a ToolType within the "
"main program`s and the preferences editor`s icon."
(copyfiles (source "prefs/envarc/KCX/KCX.PREFS") (dest MyPrefs) (files))
(set MyPrefs (tackon MyPrefs "KCX.PREFS"))
(complete 60)
(if (not (exists "libs:locale.library"))
(message "Sorry, you do not have locale.library installed. "
"Therefore, no localization facilities will be installed."
; else
(set Langs (askoptions
(prompt "KCommodity is localized, that means you may use "
"the program in different languages. Please choose "
"the desired langauges now. The default language "
"is english, so you do not have to select english.")
(choices "dansk"
"italiano (N/A yet)"
"norsk (N/A yet)"
"svenska (N/A yet)"
(help "These are the languages supported by KCommodity "
"and all it`s programs. Simply specify the languages "
"you prefer and the needed catalog files will be "
"copied to the LOCALE:CATALOGS directory.\n "
"for the language 'suomi' a language file will "
"be copied to LOCALE:LANGUAGES.\n"
"These features are only available under Workbench 2.1 "
"and later releases. The script assumes the needed "
"directories to be existent except for suomi"
(if (IN Langs 0)
(working "Unpacking danish catalogs")
(run ("c/LhA x locale/catalogs/dansk/Catalogs.lha locale:catalogs/dansk/"))
(if (IN Langs 1)
(working "Unpacking german catalogs")
(run ("c/LhA x locale/catalogs/deutsch/Catalogs.lha locale:catalogs/deutsch/"))
(if (IN Langs 2)
(working "Unpacking french catalogs")
(run ("c/LhA x locale/catalogs/français/Catalogs.lha locale:catalogs/français/"))
(if (IN Langs 3)
(message "Sorry, the italian catalogs weren`t ready yet.\n"
"They will be released soon...")
; (working "Unpacking italian catalogs")
; (run ("c/LhA x locale/catalogs/italiano/Catalogs.lha locale:catalogs/italiano/"))
(if (IN Langs 4)
(working "Unpacking spanish catalogs")
(run ("c/LhA x locale/catalogs/español/Catalogs.lha locale:catalogs/español/"))
(if (IN Langs 5)
(message "Sorry, the norwegian catalogs weren`t ready yet.\n"
"They will be released soon...")
; (working "Unpacking norwegian catalogs")
; (run ("c/LhA x locale/catalogs/norsk/Catalogs.lha locale:catalogs/norsk/"))
(if (IN Langs 6)
(message "Sorry, the swedish catalogs weren`t ready yet.\n"
"They will be released soon...")
; (working "Unpacking swedish catalogs")
; (run ("c/LhA x locale/catalogs/svenska/Catalogs.lha locale:catalogs/svenska/"))
(if (IN Langs 7)
(working "Unpacking dutch catalogs")
(run ("c/LhA x locale/catalogs/nederlands/Catalogs.lha locale:catalogs/nederlands/"))
(if (IN Langs 8)
(if (not (exists "locale:catalogs/suomi"))
(makedir "locale:catalogs/suomi" (prompt "Creating LOCALE:CATALOGS/suomi")
(help "Normally this directory may not be existend")
(working "Unpacking finnish catalogs")
(run ("c/LhA x locale/catalogs/suomi/Catalogs.lha locale:catalogs/suomi/"))
(if (not (exists "locale:languages/suomi.language"))
(working "Installing suomi.language")
(copyfiles (source "locale/languages/suomi.language") (dest "locale:languages/")
(prompt "Copying soumi.language to locale:languages")
(help @copyfiles-help)
(complete 70)
(if (askbool (prompt "Do you want to install the manual ? "
"The manual comes in two different formats "
"and two different languages.")
(help "KCommodity comes with two types of manuals. "
"One is a plain ASCII document, the other one "
"is for use with AmigaGuide©. You have the "
"possibility to choose from english and german "
"versions of the documents. Registered users "
"have the possibility to install a DVI file")
(if (exists "Docs/DVI")
(set Types (askoptions
(prompt "KCommodity comes with two types of manuals. "
"There is a plain ASCII document and a "
"AmigaGuide© version of the manuals. "
"You, as a registered user, may use "
"DVI files as well (TeX-Output)"
(help "Please select the destination directory for "
"the manuals. I suggest you place the "
"AmigaGuide© documents within the searchpath "
"of AmigaGuide© or MultiView©. The DVI File "
"may be viewd with a DVI Previewer and printed "
"with a suited printer driver."
(choices "Plain ASCII"
; else
(set Types (askoptions
(prompt "KCommodity comes with two types of manuals. "
"There is a plain ASCII document and a "
"AmigaGuide© version of the manuals. "
(help "Please select the destination directory for "
"the manuals. I suggest you place the "
"AmigaGuide© documents within the searchpath "
"of AmigaGuide© of MultiView©"
(default 1)
(choices "Plain ASCII"
(set Mans (askchoice
(prompt "Please select the language for the manuals.")
(help "You can select from two different languages.")
(default 0)
(if (IN Types 0)
( (set ASCIIDir (askdir
(prompt "Please select the destination directory "
"for the ASCII documentation")
(default "Work:")
(help @askdir-help)
(if (= Mans 0)
(working "Unpacking english ASCII documentation")
(run ("c/LHA x Docs/ASCII/english/KCXDOC.lha %s" ASCIIDir))
(if (= Mans 1)
(working "Unpacking german ASCII documentation")
(run ("c/LHA x Docs/ASCII/deutsch/KCXDOC.lha %s" ASCIIDir))
(if (IN Types 1)
( (set GuideDir (askdir
(prompt "Please select the destination directory "
"for the AmigaGuide© documentation")
(help @askdir-help)
(default "Work:"))
(if (= Mans 0)
(working "Unpacking english AmigaGuide© documentation")
(run ("c/LHA x Docs/Guide/english/KCXDOC.lha %s" GuideDir))
(if (= Mans 1)
(working "Unpacking german AmigaGuide© documentation")
(run ("c/LHA x Docs/Guide/deutsch/KCXDOC.lha %s" GuideDir))
(if (IN Types 2)
(set TeXDir (askdir
(prompt "Please select the destination directory "
"for the TeX-DVI documentation")
(help @askdir-help)
(default "Work:"))
(if (= Mans 0)
; (message "You asked for a german Documentation."
; "Due to lack of diskspace, there`s only "
; "the german DVI file")
(working "Unpacking english TeX documentation")
(run ("c/LHA x Docs/DVI/english/KCXDOC.lha %s" TeXDir))
(if (= Mans 1)
; (message "You asked for an english Documentation."
; "Due to lack of diskspace, there`s only "
; "the english DVI file")
(working "Unpacking german TeX documentation")
(run ("c/LHA x Docs/DVI/deutsch/KCXDOC.lha %s" TeXDir))
(complete 90)
(if (askbool (prompt "The Revision Control System is something for "
"programmers. It may be usefull while working "
"on a program (for keeping revision-notes) "
"Additional information will be written "
"to the Revision Header, if two Environment "
"variables are set. These are for the name "
"of the author (YOU) and the firm you are "
"working for. If you want to enter the names "
"and add the needed SetEnv calls to your "
"S:User-StartUp file, then click on Ok")
(help "You will have to enter your name and the name "
"of the firm. The Installer will then add "
"the needed lines to your S:User-StartUp file "
"for setting these Environment variables.")
(choices "Ok"
"No way")
(set MyName (askstring (prompt "Please enter your name now")
(help @askstring-help)
(set MyFirm (askstring (prompt "Please enter your company`s name now")
(help @askstring-help)
(startup "KCommodity variables for RCS" (prompt "Adding lines to S:User-StartUp")
(help @startup-help)
(command ('SetEnv AUTHOR "%s"\n' MyName)
('SetEnv COMPANY "%s"' MyFirm)
(if (askbool (prompt "Would you like to install KCommodity`s "
"ARexx Scripts for Source-Revisions ?")
(help "These scripts are used to create another "
"Revision from within an editor. Supported "
"editors are CygnusED Pro and TurboText. "
"Additionally there are shell scripts.")
(choices "Yes"
(set RexxFiles (askoptions
(prompt "Please select the appropriate scripts suiting your needs ")
(help "Simply select the editor you are using or "
"select the shell to have the shell scripts ")
(choices "Cygnus ED"
"Shell Scripts")
(set SourceModes (askoptions
(prompt "Now please select the languages you "
"normally programm in, so that the "
"needed scripts may be installed")
(help "This is only to reduce the amount of "
"copied files")
(choices "Assembler"
(set RexxDir (askdir (prompt "Please select the directory for the scripts ")
(help "Normally you will place ARexx Scripts within "
"the logical device REXX:")
(default "REXX:")
(working "The ARexx scripts are being unpacked to ram:")
(run ("c/LhA x Rexx/RexxScripts.lha ram:"))
(if (IN SourceModes 0)
(if (IN RexxFiles 0)
(copyfiles (source "ram:Rexx/CygnusED/ASMRevision.ced") (dest RexxDir) (files)))
(if (IN RexxFiles 1)
(copyfiles (source "ram:Rexx/TurboText/ASMRevision.ttx") (dest RexxDir) (files)))
(if (IN RexxFiles 2)
(copyfiles (source "ram:Rexx/ASMRevision.rexx") (dest RexxDir) (files)))
(if (IN SourceModes 1)
(if (IN RexxFiles 0)
(copyfiles (source "ram:Rexx/CygnusED/BASRevision.ced") (dest RexxDir) (files)))
(if (IN RexxFiles 1)
(copyfiles (source "ram:Rexx/TurboText/BASRevision.ttx") (dest RexxDir) (files)))
(if (IN RexxFiles 2)
(copyfiles (source "ram:Rexx/BASRevision.rexx") (dest RexxDir) (files)))
(if (IN SourceModes 2)
(if (IN RexxFiles 0)
(copyfiles (source "ram:Rexx/CygnusED/CRevision.ced") (dest RexxDir) (files)))
(if (IN RexxFiles 1)
(copyfiles (source "ram:Rexx/TurboText/CRevision.ttx") (dest RexxDir) (files)))
(if (IN RexxFiles 2)
(copyfiles (source "ram:Rexx/CRevision.rexx") (dest RexxDir) (files)))
(if (IN SourceModes 3)
(if (IN RexxFiles 0)
(copyfiles (source "ram:Rexx/CygnusED/PASRevision.ced") (dest RexxDir) (files)))
(if (IN RexxFiles 1)
(copyfiles (source "ram:Rexx/TurboText/PASRevision.ttx") (dest RexxDir) (files)))
(if (IN RexxFiles 2)
(copyfiles (source "ram:Rexx/PASRevision.rexx") (dest RexxDir) (files)))
(foreach "ram:Rexx/CygnusED" "#?" (delete (tackon "ram:Rexx/CygnusED" @each-name)))
(delete "ram:Rexx/CygnusED")
(foreach "ram:Rexx/TurboText" "#?" (delete (tackon "ram:Rexx/TurboText" @each-name)))
(delete "ram:Rexx/TurboText")
(foreach "ram:Rexx" "#?" (delete (tackon "ram:Rexx" @each-name)))
(delete "ram:Rexx")
(message "Now changing the tooltypes of the main program, so that it "
"will find the programs.\nAdditionally the ToolTypes for\nfinding the prefs will be set.")
(tooltype (dest KCXMainPrg) (settooltype ("PREFSPATH") (KCXPrefsPrg)))
(tooltype (dest KCXMainPrg) (settooltype ("PRINTERPATH") (KCXPrintPrg)))
(tooltype (dest KCXMainPrg) (settooltype ("SETTINGS") (MyPrefs)))
(tooltype (dest KCXPrefsPrg) (settooltype ("SETTINGS") (MyPrefs)))
(tooltype (dest KCXMainPrg) (noposition))
(tooltype (dest KCXPrefsPrg) (noposition))
(tooltype (dest KCXPrintPrg) (noposition))
(complete 100)
(set EndMsg1 ("The main program can be found in\n%s\n" KCXMain))
(set EndMsg2 ("The Prefs editor is located in\n%s\n" KCXPrefs))
(set EndMsg3 ("and the Printer module was copied to\n%s\n" KCXPrinter))
(exit EndMsg1 EndMsg2 EndMsg3 "\nHave fun using KCommodity\nNote the changed address !\nSee the Note/Achtung files for more")